Álvaro Herrera / EDB
This talk explains the MERGE command: what it does, how it works, its performance, concurrency, other considerations.
Jakub Zemanek / initMAX /
V této přednášce se budeme věnovat následujcím obastem: jak zmigrovat Zabbix DB z MySQL do PostgreSQL. Instalace, výhody použítí TimescaleDB a PgBouncer pro efektivni běh Zabbix aplikace. Výhody a nevýhody a jak používáme PostgreSQL u našich zákazníků.
Peter Zaitsev / Percona /
"If you look at data store as just another service, the things Application cares about is successfully establishing connection and getting results to the queries promptly and with correct results.
In this presentation, we will explore this seemingly simple aspect of working with PostgreSQL in details. We will talk about why you want to go beyond the averages, and how to group queries together in the meaningful way so you’re not overwhelmed with amount of details but find the right queries to focus on.
We will answer the question on when you should focus on tuning specific queries or when it is better to focus on tuning the database (or just getting a bigger box).
We will also look at other ways to minimize user facing response time, such as parallel queries, asynchronous queries, queueing complex work, as well as often misunderstood response time killers such as overloaded network, stolen CPU, and even limits imposed by this pesky speed of light. "
Oleksii Kliukin / Timescale
In this talk, I will share some of our learnings from running a managed PostgreSQL service on Kubernetes on AWS for a little more than a year. I’ll start with the motivation for running managed PostgreSQL on Kubernetes, the benefits, and the drawbacks. Next, I’ll describe the architecture of the managed PostgreSQL cloud on Kubernetes. Afterward, I’ll zoom in on how we solved some of the Kubernetes-specific issues within our cloud, such as upgrading extensions without downtimes, taming the dreaded OOM killer, and doing regular maintenance and PostgreSQL major upgrades. Finally, I’ll share how open-source tools from the PostgreSQL ecosystem helps us to run the service and explain how we use them in a slightly non-trivial way.
Vítězslav Košina / IBA CZ
Přednáška shrnuje více jak 6 let zkušeností s vývojem aplikací pro Státní ústav pro kontrolu léčiv. Dotkne se OLTP aplikací, které 24x7 sbírají informace o pohybech léčiv v rámci ČR i importu/exportu, dále pak integračních rozhraní pro zdravotnictví. Bude prezentována síla asynchronních operací (replikace, listen/notify) a možnosti skriptovacích jazyků jako Pl/Lua a Pl/PgSQL a dalších pro rozsáhlé projekty a jejich nenáročnost na HW prostředky a energie.
Kirk Roybal / Timescale /
What is time series data and how can it help you make big decisions.
In this talk we will discuss the common approach to the building Postgresql highly available clusters with load balancers. We will see what are the main building blocks and what are the common issues with this approach. We will describe an alternative solution using the service discovery pattern and make a working example with the help of the popular HA framework Patroni and Consul.
Alexander Kukushkin & Polina Bungina /
"What?! Patroni is the tool for implementing PostgreSQL high-availability and automatic failover, isn't it already failsafe on its own?
If you are an experienced Patroni user, you know that it relies on DCS (Distributed Configuration Store) to keep PostgreSQL cluster information in a consistent way ensuring that there is only one leader at a time. And of course, you also know that primary is demoted if Patroni can’t update the leader lock when DCS (Etcd, Consul, Zookeeper, or Kubernetes API) is not accessible or experiencing temporary problems, which could be very frustrating.
In this talk we will introduce a new Patroni feature – DCS failsafe mode, which is aimed at keeping primary running in case of a DCS failure. We will reveal some ideas behind, share important implementation details, do a live demo, and give guidance on considerations whether the feature should be used in specific environments, or it is better to refrain from it."
For this purpose, Oracle databases for example are offering with the "Diagnostic Pack" a nice kit of tools and features
for analysing such problems. With the current trend migrating Oracle databases to PostgreSQL, the question
arises again and again if there are equivalent possibilities with PostgreSQL.
This lecture shows how and with which tools or extensions PostgreSQL can preventively prepare for performance problems
and what the conceptual approach of the analysis is in practice.
Of course we are happy to discuss all of this at the end of this session.